Guy W. Hull II JD Attorney At Law, Logo
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Legal Expertise That Works for You

Before you waive any rights, contact Guy W. Hull II J D Attorney At Law in Garland, Texas. We are licensed to practice in all state courts in the State of Texas, the State of Colorado, as well as federal jurisdictions extending to the Supreme Court of the United States. Since 1970, we have provided legal services to clients in a variety of areas that are fitted to our clients' problems and needs.

Civil Litigation

Legal matters require serious, dedicated attention to problem-solving, and we strive to deliver. Our law firm offers representation to individuals and businesses who are seeking compensation for or defense from others in a variety of areas of civil law, including:

Collections | Insurance Claims | Breach of Contract | Real Estate Litigation | Deceptive Trade Litigation | Consumer Protection Law | Business Dissolution | Fraud


Criminal Defense

Regardless of the facts of a case, legal representation is always appropriate. If you are being investigated for or have been charged with a crime and are seeking legal representation or consultation, we protect individuals' constitutional rights by defending those accused of crimes. Our practice includes providing representation for both misdemeanor and felony offenses, including:

DWI | Theft | Shoplifting | Fraud | Burglary | Assault | Arson | Drug & Sex Related Offenses

Juvenile Law

When children have legal problems, they need an attorney who not only knows the law, but also understands the needs of the child. We represent the needs of children accused of crimes and find that the needs for quality legal representation of our younger citizens are on the increase. Call us if your child is being investigated or has been arrested for a crime.

Personal Injury & Wrongful Death

Since 1970, we have represented individuals who have suffered serious bodily injuries or death due to the negligence of others. We seek compensation for our injured clients, whether they were injured due to the negligence of an automobile or truck driver, have an injury caused by nuisance or premises liability, or injuries produced by medical or dental negligence or a defective product. In this pursuit, we have recovered maximum funds to compensate our clients.

Probate Law

Handling the simplest to the most complex estate requires attention to detail. The goal is always compliance with the wishes of the deceased, while protecting the rights of the heirs. As a practical reminder, everyone can avoid a costly estate administration by preparing a valid will.